How Amazon AppStream 2.0 can help businesses

Today’s workforce is no longer confined to office walls. People work from home, while they’re commuting to and from work, and even on vacation. This is made possible thanks to remote access solutions, and Amazon’s powerful web features. Here’s what you need to know about this powerful application streaming service. What is it? Initially released […]

How fulfilling is Android’s new Oreo

Google’s Android updates are among the most anticipated events for smartphone users every year. Each major update promises to be slicker, faster, and more secure than the previous version, and 2017 is no different. With Android Oreo, smartphone and tablet users have a lot to be excited about. Picture-in-picture mode First of all, picture-in-picture mode […]

Microsoft’s newest virtualization service

Azure is a cloud platform for creating, deploying and managing virtualized solutions that are hosted by Microsoft servers. Included in Azure’s list of services is a technology that is quickly gaining popularity: containers. They’re a great way to get more out of your servers, but until recently they were also incredibly hard to manage. What […]

Office 365 gets a slew of new upgrades

There’s a good reason why businesses like Office 365: It’s a feature-rich productivity suite that gets plenty of upgrades throughout the year. Last month, Microsoft announced four new upgrades that will make the cloud platform even more irresistible for small- and medium-sized businesses. Microsoft Connections Email marketing campaigns are a great way to build relationships […]

Black and white: Not all hackers are bad

When a cyber security researcher stopped the spread of WannaCry, the headlines praised him as a savior. But just a few short months later he was in handcuffs for allegedly creating a piece of malware that steals banking information. Even if he is innocent, it’s important to understand the difference between white hat, black hat […]

Best Mac tips and shortcuts

Mac operating systems are known for their intuitive user interface with minimal learning curve. But did you know that over the years, Macs have been equipped with a bunch of new shortcuts and hidden features? Here are our picks of the ones guaranteed to make life easier. Use Siri to change your Mac’s system settings […]

CRM tips and tricks for beginners

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is essential for every marketing, sales, and customer service department. It allows you to capture your customers’ information and keep a record of their interactions with your business. If you’re new to the concept of CRM, here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of […]

Android phones link to PC!

You use a computer, smartphone, or tablet — or all three — to surf the web. So wouldn’t it be great if you could share the sites that you’re browsing between devices? If you’re using an Android phone and Windows 10, now you can. According to Gartner, Android operating systems held 81.7 percent of the […]

How to create engaging content

With 4.75 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook and 500 million tweets shared every day, harnessing crucial social media data is becoming an increasingly monumental task. Businesses need to leverage social media in order to deliver relevant and personalized content to customers. You can make it happen by taking these four steps: Identify what’s […]

Google Cloud gets new Citrix features

More businesses are moving their operations to the cloud, but sadly some applications are getting left behind. Today, customers want to access their desktop software as easily as they can access their G Suite apps from any device. Luckily, Google listened to their customers and developed new features with Citrix. Workspace Service Organizations often struggle […]